Monday, July 31, 2006

The Mess in the Middle East

I cannot believe the audacity of some of our politicians. They have the gall to criticize Israel and their military actions in the Middle East. I expect this from Kofi Annan and his "Messengers of Peace" who specialize in doing nothing, but I would hope that our government would not have forgotten the horror and pain of the World Trade Center attacks so soon. Now, I do not think that war should be entered into lightly, but Israel has been patient enough. We launched a war against the Taliban and essentially took over Afghanistan (which I completely agreed with) one month after being attacked on September 11.

Israel, on the other hand, has been attacked mercilessly by Hezbollah and other terrorist groups. Not a week goes by that Israel does not experience some type of hostile action against them. Other than suicide bombers, the terrorists are also using short range missile systems and car bombs to target crowds of civilians. They target shopping centers, restaurants, busy sidewalks, and night clubs. Each time these events hit the news, there is an obvious silence about in the media. No senators denounce Hezbollah; no European leaders demand an end to the killings; the U.N. takes no actions to help Israel.

Israel is now fighting back by targeting known terrorist hideouts in Lebanon. On Sunday, the Israeli air force destroyed a building that was being used by Hezbollah as a base from which they were launching missiles into northern Israel. Fifty six people, mostly women and children, died when the building collapsed in the bombing. The world was outraged, and was quick to criticize the killing of civilians. No one mentioned the cowardly actions of the Lebanese guerrillas who fired from the building, knowing that it was full of innocent people and that their actions might bring retaliation from Israel. That may have even been their motivation: either to use the civilians as a shield or to use it to fuel the fires of hatred for Israel in the Middle East.

No one in America, or anywhere in Europe for that matter, has any right to criticize the actions of the Israeli government. They have finally taken a stand or their people. They have a strong military and could dominate the Middle East at any time if they saw fit. Instead, they have patiently withstood the attacks until now.

The President needs to continue to support Israel in their fight against terrorism as they supported us in ours; The U.N. needs to help with the fight, or mind their own business; and we need to pray for Israel.


Blogger Sam Tardif said...

"It ALL started," explained Johnny to his mom about a huge fight he was having with his brother, "when Billy hit me back."

6:45 PM  

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