Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I am officially a traitor. My dog has trusted me with her needs and safety and yesterday I betrayed that trust. I came home from work to my normal enthusiastic welcome from Carina then grabbed her leash and started for the door. She loves to go for rides in the car. She drools a little bit from being nervous but she is getting better about that. She always sits up tall and watches the cars and people as we go by.

Yesterday was different; our destination was the vet's office for Carina to get spayed. She was bouncy and happy like a golden retriever puppy should be as she tried to get everyone we saw to pet her; she was even excited to see the three legged cat again(who was not so excited to see her).

She was at the vet's office all day until I picked her up at 4:00. When they brought her out, she was still woozy from the sedatives and her tail was missing the usual "I'm so happy to see you" wag. I felt horrible when she would look at me with her big, brown, adoring eyes and I imagined her wondering why I had allowed them to make her sick. The fact that she doesn't understand what was done to her and why it was done makes it even worse.

I feel really, really bad.

I brought her to work with me today so that I can keep an eye on her. I don't know if I am really allowed to have her here but since it is a one time hing I guess it is easier to ask forgiveness that npermission. She is in her cage in the garage. I think I've been out there 20 times to check on her already and it's not even 11:00 yet.

After yesterday I don't think that I can have kids. Carina is only a dog and I was so worried about her yesterday and I feel so bad for her when she's sick. How would I feel if my child was going through that?

One of my coworkers is in Charleston today for her son to have heart surgery at MUSC. They are going to go into his heart and "zap" a section of his heart to keep him from going into recurrent SVT (rapid heart rate). I would have to be sedated to be able to sit in a waiting room for hours while my child was going through that.

Yep, no kids for me.


Blogger Lana said...

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11:43 AM  
Blogger Lana said...

Aww....poor Carina...but I happen to know truthfully that as of that morning, you only felt " a little" bit sorry for going to have her spayed... :-) But I know what you mean about worrying about your "baby", even if they are "only" a dog. Shadow got really sick one night...and I was up at least half the night crying and worrying...goodness! I almost took her to the vet emergency room. What will we be like if we ever have kids!?!?

11:45 AM  
Blogger Bobby Wales said...

Well, I know one thing for sure. I won't call an ambulance at 3:00 in the morning because my kid has been sick for a week and I'm just now getting around to doing domething about it(not that anyone would do that). : )

1:13 PM  

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