Monday, October 30, 2006

The Perfect Business

When an entrepreneur starts a company, he wants to find a niche in which his business can have a monopoly or at least provide a service that people will use for a long time. I have found such a business this week (other than EMS; as long as there are stupid people, there will be EMS).

I was sitting on our bed, somewhat bored when I noticed my wife's Woman's Day magazine sitting there and the cover articles caught my eye. Here are four of the articles:

"Eat, Drink . . . and Stay Slim"
"Fast and Fabulous Thanksgiving Feast"
"Smart New Organizing Tips"
"Woman's Day Shopper's Guide"

I don't know if you caught the irony of those articles or not, but let me break it down for you. First we have an article on healthy eating. Since we are all vain and concerned about our weight, especially the target audience of this magazine, having articles on eating healthy and losing weight are the one thing that a magazine for women needs. Now, don't think I am picking on women. I said "concerned about." I did not say "they need to be concerned about . . ."

We also have an article on creating the perfect Thanksgiving feast. This is a must for every woman who wants to provide her family with a large and memorable Turkey Day meal. This is especially useful for the first timers who have never prepared a Thanksgiving or Christmas meal outside of their mom's kitchen before. They (usually) need the extra guidance and help to prepare such a large feast. Incidentally, it is not recommended to approach the table after it has been prepared by such a first timer and say "If it's all the same to you, can I have Cheerios?" Especially if that first timer is your mother; she will bring that up again; and again; and again over the years. Ask me how I know.

Back to the point. The first article is on losing weight. The second article, and several recipes in the magazine, are on how to prepare wonderful, non-healthy indulgent meals (see the Free Cookie Cookbook section). So our magazine is fattening up our target audience and then teaching them how to lose weight, and vice versa. With the constant diet cycles prevalent in the magazine's target audience, the magazine's advice will always be needed. They make sure of it.

The third article addresses the issue of home organization. Of course this is also a big topic. No one wants to be known as being the one in their scrapbooking group with the house that is in a constant state of disarray. What causes such disarray? Clutter. Stuff that we buy thinking we will use it everyday and eventually (after two uses) it finds its way to the back of the closet or kitchen cabinets. Eventually there is no room left in the cabinets and closets but we just can't throw things away after we spent money on them and clutter starts to spill out into the rest of the house. The cure? Read Women's Day's tips on taming the clutter monster.

This brings us to our final article. This is more of a category of articles than a specific article. What good magazine does not have buyer's guides? After all, we can't possibly find enough things to buy on our own without some help. So right after the magazine tells you how to solve your clutter problem, they give you a list of things that you need to have and tell you where to get them. Do you sense a trend here?

Then there are the articles on eliminating debt right after the above mentioned shopper's guide. We wonder why women get compared to roller coasters with their whims and emotions. It's because they read Woman's Day and try to follow the advice. The constant changes between diets and feasts, shopping and saving, accumulating clutter and eliminating it causes stress in their marriage. As soon as their husband is acclimated to his wife's needs, another monthly issue of Woman's Day comes out and her priorities change (there may be another monthly cycle at work there too). Once again, Woman's Day has the answer with their marital advice.

Woman's Day has perfected their business plan. The advice that they freely distribute counteracts the advice they just freely distributed. They create a problem, then fix it, then create another problem, then fix it.

I need to start a business like that. Brilliant.

Incidentally, I don't know why my wife subscribes to this magazine. She doesn't need to lose weight. She is a good cook already. Our house is clean and has little clutter, except in my study and she already has good taste (after all, she picked me) and doesn't need to be told what to buy.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Pictures of my Study

Here are some pictures of my study. The first is how it was when we bought the house.

The second picture is the color we originally painted it when we were planning on going with a a nautical theme in the room.

This past week we repainted with a Red Sox/Patriots theme so I can display all of my sports memorabilia. I wouldn't have chosen those colors based solely on their aesthetic value but it works well with all of my Red Sox stuff.

My next project in there is to add a floor-to-ceiling bookcase on the wall to the left of the computer to help tame the clutter in the room and organize more. Tell me what you think. Honestly.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

More Modern Conveniences

In our society we have an unlimited supply of information. If you don't know the answers, Google can find it for you. There websites advertising every type of search imaginable.

I found a website a few weeks ago that offers you (That's right- YOU!) the ability to find any inmate in America and get loads of information on your criminal of choice for the new low price of $19.99 per month (in case it will take you a while to find everyone that you know in jail).

Somewhat related to that last option is the website that offers to find your high school classmates. If you want to see whatever happened to that jock that gave you a "swirly" in 9th grade, this is the website for you. It may tell you that he lives at 101 Easy Street in a $350,000 house or it may give you great satisfaction by routing you to the above mentioned website.

My personal favorite (other than google) is the recipe search on the Food Network's site (Everyday Italian is my favorite show on the Food Network). The next recipe I'm going to make is the Ginger Sea Bass.

The Internet marvel I recently experienced (on Saturday) is the wonder of package tracking. I placed an order on Wednesday on L.L. Bean's website for a hiking back pack (pictured above). Friday night I logged onto their site and checked where my package was- in 24 hours it had left Portland, gone to Boston, then Connecticut and had already left Connecticut headed south. I figured that I could reasonably expect to see it on Monday. Saturday morning I checked it again and found that during the night it had reached Charlotte and been shipped to Greenville and was listed as "out for delivery." This was very exciting.

The downside to this is that I spent my entire day on Saturday watching the driveway for the FedEx guy. When we went to the grocery store in the afternoon, I was afraid that he would come and not leave the package and I would have to wait for the next delivery on Monday. I had been perfectly content to know that my backpack would be here on Monday, but now that I knew its arrival was imminent, my impatience was overbearing. I was like a little kid waiting for Christmas.

My package finally came, actually while I was writing this post- I started it on Saturday, and my impatience has been satisfied ("I'm a patient man, but. . . "). Now if I can just finish some of these projects around the house and go hiking again.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Friday the 13th

Paramedics are superstitious. In our business there are some things that you just do not say. For instance, the rookie who walks into the station exhausted from a late night of partying and says "I sure hope it's quiet today" is about to have something thrown at him. You do not use the infamous "Q" word.

I made this mistake my first day on the job. Since I was new, I was riding as the 3rd person on the truck in order to get a feel for how things work. We had a quiet morning and sat down to eat our lunch at a little cafe in town. Just as the waiter brought us our food (I had baked chicken, corn, and friend okra- yes, I still remember what I did not get to eat that day), I asked "How often do you guys (I still talked like a northerner at that point) get called out during meals?" Not 10 seconds later our tones went off and we left our food and went on a call. My coworkers were absolutely convinced that it was my fault that we got the call. I now know how they feel.

Since I work 24 hour shifts I have a bedroom at the station. Apparently there is a button in the mattress that causes someone in the general vicinity to have sudden chest pain when I accidentally hit that spot on the bed. There is no better way to generate a call than to try to sleep. I can sit on the bed and watch TV for 3 or 4 hours and be just fine. As soon as I turn off the TV and lay down- BEEEEP!

My partner and I also noticed that if we have nothing planned for the next day and we can go home and take a nap if we need to, we have a quiet night. If either one of us has something planned for the morning (especially the start of our vacation), forget it.

I said all of that to say that even though I truly believe that all of life and happenings on earth are in God's complete control, there is something ominous about working on Friday the 13th. The one or two other times that I can remember working on Friday the 13th, it was a very busy day. Not necessarily weird stuff (and believe me, if I call it weird . . .), just very, very busy.

Yesterday we managed to escape unharmed. The 5 of us (4 medics and a student) played Uno and Rummy for about 5 hours and we also slept most of the night. When that happens at the busiest station in the county, it is quite remarkable. The only odd thing that happened was when we got up around six to run a call, our truck wouldn't start; the other crew at our station took the call while we jumped the truck. Since we needed to drive it around to make sure the battery was charged, we drove it down to IHOP and had some coffee and pancakes (and a very good Colorado Omlette).

I am thankful it was a quiet night because I am sure I will have a honey-do list this morning and I feel very refreshed after my sleep and coffee.

P.S. Do you like the new format?

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Another Day of Hiking

After volunteering for some overtime yesterday, which turned my 24 hour shift into a 37 hour shift, I felt the need to get outside and spend some more time in the woods. After I slept in, of course. Since Sarah had to work today, Carina and I hit the trails by ourselves. We didn't see any more snakes today and there were very few hikers out. The weather was sunny with a slight breeze and it was about 70 degrees- a very pleasant day.

Carina paced herself a little more today instead of dragging me everywhere. She must have remembered Monday's hike and known she was in for a long walk. She refuses to drink out of streams so I brought an extra liter of water and a dish to pour it in for her. I am going to buy her a doggie backpack so she can tote her own water next time. Water gets heavy after a while.

We hiked for about 3 hours, then returned home to get supper ready. We had grilled shrimp and asparagus with mashed potatoes.

I forsee a lot of hiking in our future.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Table Rock

Since Sarah had the day off today we went hiking up on Table Rock Mountain. It's about a 35 minute drive from our house and is at the edge of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Carina came with us and thouroughly enjoyed the hike; she proudly march out ahead of us - as far as her leash would allow- and scouted out the land. She looked like she was all big and bad leading the expedition.

We were able to see some wildlife including this Southern Water Snake (harmless) and a small garter snake. The water snake looks big but it's really just under two feet long by my estimate. Even though Carina was in front, she didn't spot either one before I did. She was supposed to be the big trackin dog and she went 0 for 2 today- that's worse than the Red Sox September record.

We only hiked for an hour or so before heading back. Sarah had underestimated how warm it was and was way overdressed. She didn't layer either, we'll have to work on that. It was a very enjoyable day; the weather was perfect-right around 75 with just a little breeze- and the company was great.

Oh yeah, I got my hair cut really short last night. It was partially an accident. Sarah says I look like a cancer patient, but I don't think it looks that bad.

Party, Party, Party!

Last Saturday we hosted a birthday party for me here at the house. We had twenty-something people over for some food and messy fun. We had tacos for supper and ice cream for dessert. After supper we all grabbed a pumpkin and went out onto the back porch and had a carving contest. One couple brought some "cheat sheets" that you stencil onto the pumpkins. Some of them turned out really sharp. I tried to take pictures of all of the pumpkins but some of them didn't come out. Here are some of the more photogenic pumpkins: