Thursday, October 12, 2006

Another Day of Hiking

After volunteering for some overtime yesterday, which turned my 24 hour shift into a 37 hour shift, I felt the need to get outside and spend some more time in the woods. After I slept in, of course. Since Sarah had to work today, Carina and I hit the trails by ourselves. We didn't see any more snakes today and there were very few hikers out. The weather was sunny with a slight breeze and it was about 70 degrees- a very pleasant day.

Carina paced herself a little more today instead of dragging me everywhere. She must have remembered Monday's hike and known she was in for a long walk. She refuses to drink out of streams so I brought an extra liter of water and a dish to pour it in for her. I am going to buy her a doggie backpack so she can tote her own water next time. Water gets heavy after a while.

We hiked for about 3 hours, then returned home to get supper ready. We had grilled shrimp and asparagus with mashed potatoes.

I forsee a lot of hiking in our future.


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