Monday, October 09, 2006

Table Rock

Since Sarah had the day off today we went hiking up on Table Rock Mountain. It's about a 35 minute drive from our house and is at the edge of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Carina came with us and thouroughly enjoyed the hike; she proudly march out ahead of us - as far as her leash would allow- and scouted out the land. She looked like she was all big and bad leading the expedition.

We were able to see some wildlife including this Southern Water Snake (harmless) and a small garter snake. The water snake looks big but it's really just under two feet long by my estimate. Even though Carina was in front, she didn't spot either one before I did. She was supposed to be the big trackin dog and she went 0 for 2 today- that's worse than the Red Sox September record.

We only hiked for an hour or so before heading back. Sarah had underestimated how warm it was and was way overdressed. She didn't layer either, we'll have to work on that. It was a very enjoyable day; the weather was perfect-right around 75 with just a little breeze- and the company was great.

Oh yeah, I got my hair cut really short last night. It was partially an accident. Sarah says I look like a cancer patient, but I don't think it looks that bad.


Blogger mommmydeb said...

It looks REALLY UGLY! Worse than a cancer patient!

6:23 AM  
Blogger Leon said...

I was wondering why you were letting Carina associate with a skin head.

6:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, def cancer patient, man. How much does Carina weigh now? She's huge compared to when we were there. Nice pumpkins, btw.


1:31 PM  
Blogger Bobby Wales said...

Last time we weighed her she was 70 pounds.

9:10 AM  

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