Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Doctor's Offices

Today I went to the doctor's office for a checkup. As usual when I go to the doctor's I worked the night before so I am tired, irritable, and feel like crap. On top of that, I always find visits to doctor's offices very irritating. Let me walk you through my appointment.

First, there is the paperwork that you have to fill out. I am a mostly healthy young man with very few unhealthy vices (ice cream is the worst). When I began going to his doctor, I had to fill out 10 pages of information. The worst part is, I had to hand-write it. Don't they know that I am a part of the computer-addicted, Playstation playing, spell-checker dependant Generation Y? Couldn't I have filled this form out on the Internet before coming in? Or maybe they could hand me a laptop as I walked in and showed me which templates I needed to fill out? "Those right there sir, and once you're finished, just hit 'print' and it will connect with the printer over our wireless network and print right at our billing desk." Nope, we're still in the Stone Age here.

What feels like five hours later as I fill out the last page I have a new medical problem to discuss with my new doctor- carpal tunnel symdrome. I make my way up to the counter past the young mother who is signing in her unruly toddler and I pass the clipboard over to the lady behind the desk who gives a forced smile and closes the glass before I have a chance to ask how long the wait will be.

Finally, I am able to sit back down and relax with a copy of Field & Stream and wait for my turn to be called back. I set the magazine in my lap so I can use my left hand to massage my cramped writing hand while I read all about the newest outdoor sporting goods equipment that I have nowhere near enough money to buy. I read the article about the South Carolina game warden who is known for wrestling catfish (called noodling); he is shown hugging a catfish that looks to be about three feet long. I don't find the wrestling part very impressive but I kind of think of it as a lame redneck version of "The Crocodile Hunter" (who I am going to miss), but it IS a big fish. As I sit there, embarrassed by this fellow South Caroliner's apparent lack of self respect, I can only hope that his hometown here in SC is far, far away from mine.

Then comes the second problem with doctor's offices. The above mentioned unruly toddler becomes enthralled with the red tag on the bottom of my shoe and begins picking at it while her mother sits 10 feet away and laughs at her. "That is so cute," Mom says. I give Rugrat a little smile and a "Hey there." She then proceeds to grab my leg and smack it while giving me a big "I get away with everything because my mother is not smart enough to understand that she needs to punish me" smile. then she makes the unforgivable mistake- she reaches for the Field & Stream. I'm tired, but I see it coming and I lift it just out of her reach. I am no longer smiling at her.

She soon tires of trying to reach it and decides to go bother the drug representative across the room. She waddles across to him in her bare feet with her sagging little diaper and proceeds to mash on the keys of his laptop while he tries to politely remove her grimy little paws from his computer and the legs of his expensive dress pants. Apparently somewhere between trying to steal a magazine and attempting to destroy a $1,200 computer little Rugrat crossed a line in her mother's rule book. Mom slowly gets up and walks over to retrieve her little delinquent.

She takes her back over and holds her in her lap, firmly instructing her little precious to "stay right here." This command obviously carries no weight with Rugrat as she starts squirming and then crying. Since Mom wants to be polite and knows that it is more polite for your child to destroy other people's electronics than to cry in a waiting room she allows her to get down and continue her reign of terror. This cycle is repeated 4-5 times. As Rugrat approaches my Field & Stream once again, I spot a coworker who just sat down across the room and hurry over to talk with him and escape further torture.

About 30 minutes later I am the last soul in the waiting room; Rugrat and Mom had finally been called back and I was able to settle down again with a copy of Outdoor, which contains articles about yet even more expensive products, including the $250 Oakley sunglasses with a built in Bluetooth headset. That's cool.

Finally I am called back. It has only been a mere hour and fifteen minutes but I feel like I have survived the second Hundred Years War. In spite of my near fatal dose of exhaustion, I have the foresight to bring my new magazine back. I learned long ago that the wait in the back can be just as long and the rooms are usually not as well stocked with reading material as the waiting room. I'm right; the only magazine in the room is Parenting which I am sooo not in the mood for.

Fortunately, the doctor comes in just as I finish Outdoor and within 10 minutes, he's done. Wait, I waited for THIS? Now I get to take a pulmonary function test which comprises of taking a deep breath and blowing into a tube as hard as you can. The hard part is that just as you are running out of air the nurse starts saying "keep going, keep going" and continues that until every last molecule of air has been exhaled and I'm coughing like an asthmatic smoker (I guess I am half of that anyways). Try this some time at a party as an ice breaker; it's a blast.

After all that, when I leave I get billed for everything. $80 for the exam (he asked me three questions), $30 for the pulmonary torture test, $500 for the month's rent in the waiting room, and $5 to re-route my mail back to my house once I return home. Wait, I have to PAY for this?!?!?

The bright side of the whole trip was that on the way home I stopped at Home Depot and picked up a router and bit set that my parents had bought for me for my birthday. That, and Carina racing to see me when I got home, made me feel much better.

Sadly, the only part of this story that I exaggerated at all was the billing and the paperwork. The kid really was that bad. What is this world coming to?

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Modern Conveniences, Part 3

Well my phone is now working as an MP3 player as well as a phone. After getting a new music pack and a new phone with no success, I figured the problem was with my computer. I reinstalled Windows and formatted the hard drive. The phone still did not connect to my computer and I had accidentally deleted all of my music in the process (I moved everything to my second hard drive except for the music-I guess it was a hypoglycemic moment).

The only other possible device that could be causing me problems was my USB port; I bought it three years ago because it was the cheapest on the shelf. It was a two port USB 1.1. Since then the new USB 2.0 has become the standard but, until my phone, every device I have used does work, just slowly. The phone is apparently not "backwards compatible." So Matt gave me a three port USB 2.0 PCI card and the phone connected just fine.

So now it is fully operational and really has a good sound with the headset that came with the music pack. I do recommend the phone as long as you have the required computer hardware.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Two new links

There are two new links on the right of my page.

On is Dave's Blog. Dave is a friend of mine from Northland and has some very thought-provoking insights and humor.

The other is the Journeys of the Faire Maidens. (That's "faire" with an "e"; apparently travelers have to adopt Olde English in their writings) It is written by my friends Lana and Tanya as they travel across the US. I think that they are in New Mexico right now.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Megalopyge opercularis

This past week I had an interesting call at work. A lady showed up at the station complaining of an insect bite on her right leg and arm. It was from -get this- a caterpillar. Now I know that some caterpillars can sting if you touch them but the rash from this bite was about 4 inches long and was causing serious pain. They had brought the caterpillar in a ziploc bag. It looks like a hairball; the closest thing that I can come up with is a "tribble" from Star Trek (one of the 2 or 3 Star Trek episodes that I've seen, I despise Star Trek).

Anyways, the patient was fine, except for the discomfort and they left the caterpillar with me at the station. I quickly googled caterpillars and identified the creature. It is a Puss Caterpillar (Megalopyge opercularis). It is known as one of the most poisonous caterpillars in America. Embedded in the hair along its back are detachable spines filled with venom. Although the venom is not lethal to humans (unless you are hypersensitive), the barbs will break off in the skin of anyone who touches this and, unless they are removed, will continue to release venom and cause severe pain for 4-5 days. The articles I read said that the barbs are easily removed using packaging tape.

I find this harmless looking little devil fascinating and so I brought him home and have housed him in an insect cage that my mom sent for me to capture a scorpion in for Annie (I haven't seen a single one since the cage arrived). I named him furby, after an annoying little toy that someone bought my younger sisters years ago. My wife does not share my fascination and is currently plotting an assasination attempt; I don't think Furby has much of a chance of survival against such a foe.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Chicken Tetrazzini

Wednesday was September 6th and was the five year anniversary of our first date. We were introduced by a mutual friend and I knew I wanted to get to know her. I convinced that mutual friend to schedule both Sarah and me to eat with her for dinner. All was going well as we planned to meet in front of the BJU Dining Common at 5:00. At 4:00, my wonderful friend called and told me that she had to work and I was on my own. So I waited in front of the Dining Common for Sarah and when she arrived I said something stupid-sounding like this:
"Umm, Sarah?"


"I am Amber's friend, Bobby, and she called and asked me to tell you that she couldn't meet you for dinner."

"OK, thanks." At this point Sarah turned to walk away because she didn't like eating alone.

"Umm, if you don't have anyone to eat with, you can eat with me."


Well the course that night was chicken tetrazzini, which is a BJU special. By "special" I mean that they serve it to a small elite crowd of students- not everybody gets to eat chicken tetrazzini. Mainly because as soon as most students see it on the menu they will try to find a more pleasant meal elsewhere like McDonald's, one of the soup kitchens in downtown Greenville, or the dumpster behind the dorms. The chicken is cooked in some type of creamy sauce and served over undercooked or overcooked rice. The cream sauce lacked any discernible flavor as if they had made a batch of the sauce at the beginning of the year and just kept adding water to the leftovers in order to make it stretch for the full school year. It was vile stuff!

I was going to make a modified version of the meal for us on Wednesday night so that we could reminisce while we ate but I didn't have any three-month-old watered-down alfredo sauce and BiLo was fresh out of Cream of Vomit soup. We had to settle for Outback instead. I have to say, the ribeye didn't have the reminiscing value of the chicken tetrazzini but it sure tasted better.