Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Chicken Tetrazzini

Wednesday was September 6th and was the five year anniversary of our first date. We were introduced by a mutual friend and I knew I wanted to get to know her. I convinced that mutual friend to schedule both Sarah and me to eat with her for dinner. All was going well as we planned to meet in front of the BJU Dining Common at 5:00. At 4:00, my wonderful friend called and told me that she had to work and I was on my own. So I waited in front of the Dining Common for Sarah and when she arrived I said something stupid-sounding like this:
"Umm, Sarah?"


"I am Amber's friend, Bobby, and she called and asked me to tell you that she couldn't meet you for dinner."

"OK, thanks." At this point Sarah turned to walk away because she didn't like eating alone.

"Umm, if you don't have anyone to eat with, you can eat with me."


Well the course that night was chicken tetrazzini, which is a BJU special. By "special" I mean that they serve it to a small elite crowd of students- not everybody gets to eat chicken tetrazzini. Mainly because as soon as most students see it on the menu they will try to find a more pleasant meal elsewhere like McDonald's, one of the soup kitchens in downtown Greenville, or the dumpster behind the dorms. The chicken is cooked in some type of creamy sauce and served over undercooked or overcooked rice. The cream sauce lacked any discernible flavor as if they had made a batch of the sauce at the beginning of the year and just kept adding water to the leftovers in order to make it stretch for the full school year. It was vile stuff!

I was going to make a modified version of the meal for us on Wednesday night so that we could reminisce while we ate but I didn't have any three-month-old watered-down alfredo sauce and BiLo was fresh out of Cream of Vomit soup. We had to settle for Outback instead. I have to say, the ribeye didn't have the reminiscing value of the chicken tetrazzini but it sure tasted better.


Blogger mommmydeb said...

Gee I hope you don't remember any of my cooking that way! I do remember a comment you made to me once after I cooked our family's first Thanksgiving meal all my myself. You said, "If it's all the same to you could I have cheerios?" Was it something in the meal?

11:23 PM  
Blogger The Cordeiro's said...

ahhhh... so sweet. congrats! tell sarah hi for me!

11:23 PM  

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