Friday, June 02, 2006

Happy Birthday Sarah!!

Today is my beautiful wife's birthday. Last week was, of course, our second anniversary. I now know why she wanted to get married in the end of May- so she could get a lot of presents for birthday and anniversary and they would be perfectly spaced out from Christmas.

Sarah and I in Venice in April.

I learned something new this morning. Don't RSVP to attend a conference on Acute Myocardial Infarctions (in the vernacular: heart attacks) at 8:00 AM after you have been working all night. If it were a large class I could get away with sleeping if I needed to- if you don't believe me ask the people who sat next to me during my college years. However, today's meeting was around a conference table and since I was the third person to arrive I couldn't exactly sit all the way at the other end of the table.

To make it even worse/better, they served us breakfast. After some fruit, a muffin, and a Krispy Kreme donut (which is in my diet) I was ready for a long nap. Fortunately they also provided fully caffeinated coffee, of which I eagerly partook. As a result I am now half asleep mentally but typing quite fast. Unfortunately, my typing skills are not up to par with the speed that I am typing so I am having to fix a lot of mistakes.

It turned out that the "conference" was actually the hospital 's way of picking our brains for ways that we could work together with them more effectively as a team. It was also an attempt on their part to try to use us to win customers from the other hospital here in town.

In the end, I really did enjoy the conference and even learned from it; it was very informative for me as a future EMS director (yeah, you can laugh now).


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