Sunday, May 14, 2006


Friday we left for a short jaunt down to Charleston for a friend's wedding. Sarah's brother lives near Charleston so we saved a little money and camped out in his living room.

Saturday morning we went to Drayton Hall Plantation which is "the oldest plantation house in America open for tours." It was old. And beautiful. The interior of the house had not been restored but you could still se the ornate work of the builders. It makes me wonder how they did that with the technology available in that day. It's quite remarkable.

Drayton Hall was on a large plot of land on the Ashley River. After the house tour we walked around and admired the land and the wildlife. Wildlife pictures to follow this blog.

Around noon we left for Charleston. We parked and walked down to Market Street. I wanted to eat at Bocci's, an Italian restaurant that we ate at last time. Unfortunately they are only open for dinner. We ate at the Charleston Crab House instead. I had a Mediterranean Pasta that had scallops, shrimp, olives, and feta cheese in a white wine sauce over fettucine. It was soo good.

We walked down on the water front and down to the battery and then all the way up Market street to where we were parked. Charleston is really a beautiful old city. I don't think I could ever live there- between the $1,000,000 price tags and being in the city- but it is a wonderful place to visit.

We left downtown and went to the park where the wedding was going to be. Since we had just come from walking around I had to change into my suit in the car (Sarah had been able to change more modestly) but I was able to find a remote place to park and change.

Dan and Susan's wedding was very elegant and beautiful, I must say. the ceremony was outside in the park and the weather was perfect with maybe just a little wind.

The ceremony was at a nice hotel on the other side of the river.We had a choice of chicken or beef for dinner and both had the chicken. We had a great time catching up with some other friends from school.

Well, the party's over and we are safely home. With Nathan living so close to Charleston we will definately be visiting with him a lot. Maybe next time he and his wife can accompany us.


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