Thursday, May 11, 2006

Wahoo! We won!!!!!

My friend (and former roomate in college) Jared and I went to a Greenville Drive game today. It was supposed to be a large group of us but in my infinite wisdom I chose a time where no one else could attend. Well, the two of us had fun.

The Greenville Drive are a Single-A affiliate of the Boston Red Sox.

We arrived at the stadium early to buy tickets and made our way to the ticket booth. I ran into a nurse I know from the ER and we got to talking. It turns out they bought tickets for a group and had two extra tickets that they gave us. We got in for free; how cool is that? The seats were awesome too. Just on the outfield side of first base.

The game got started off well with the Drive taking the lead. After the second inning some of the PR people came out on the field and threw T-shirts into the crowd. Apparently I made enough noise because they threw one to me ( I know I made some noise because my throat hurts now).

The visiting team (Hickory Crawdads-yes, you can laugh, we did too) took the lead in the top of the fourth but the Drive came back and tied it 2-2 in the bottom of the 4th. No more runs were scored all the way into the bottom of the ninth when the bases were loaded with 2 outs. The wind up, the pitch . . . hit deep to center field, WAY DEEP TO CENTER FIELD, IT'S GONE! WALK OFF GRAND SLAM!!! (I may have made some noise here too)

How cool is that?

Anyway, the Drive's brand new ballpark is built in the middle of downtown Greenville and is modeled after Fenway Park in Boston (if you didn't know Fenway was in Boston, you can leave my blog now and not come back), complete with a Green Monster. It's not quite Fenway but the best seats in the house are $8.00 so it's a good substitute. No Boston Baked Beans though.

I forgot my camera so I downloaded this picture. It is on my blog courtesy of Ballpark Digest. We pretty much sat right in front of where this picture was taken; right where that bald guy is (no, that's not me).


Blogger Sam Tardif said...

How hard did you run into the nurse with the "Free" tickets? You may have really intimidated her and she gave up those tickets out of fear! You know, she could have been saving ALL winter long for those things, and then you had to go and Run smack into her! She probably thought you were hired by the mob or something, so she gave you the tickets to try to buy some time. Poor lady. Try to have some heart, there, bucko.

6:51 PM  
Blogger Bobby Wales said...

Trust me- I know how much nurses make. She didn't save for too long to buy a pair of $5.50 tickets.

1:24 PM  

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