Friday, April 21, 2006

Terror on Ice

What a day! I worked last night at my part time job. Shortly after midnight we got dispatched to a gas station for a "sick person." Yes, that is very vague to us too. When we get there, our sick person was in police custody after they had arrived on scene and found him standing in the road. Our patient was unable to give us any information. Useful information, that is. His answer to every question was "Jesus is here with me; you can't do nothin to me." Whenever I would try to provide any treatment for him, he would say "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Interestingly enough, both my partner and I are new medics and had not come across this particular situation before so in a way, we may not have known what we were doing. (We found out later this gentleman was high on crack).

This afternoon Carina and I worked on obedience training. I have a training collar for her and today we were working on "stay" and "heel."

Tonight Sarah and I went ice skating with our friend Lana. There was supposed to be a larger group but no one else was able to make it. I've always found ice skating to be enjoyable but it is a delicate balance between pleasure and sheer terror. I wouldn't be quite as worried if there weren't other people there. That would lessen the embarrassment from falling and also make it easy to navigate. Ice skating is like driving a truck with no brakes through a crowded place. I managed to not run anyone over and Sarah and I took turn holding each other up. We escaped unscathed.

There was a small crowd of rowdy people there, but they weren't too bad. It wasn't very crowded for a Friday night. There was a little girl with the short skirt and thick tights and the whole figure skater get up who kept trying stunts that she obviously was not ready for; it was mildly humorous but I was afraid I might have to work.

From watching figure skating during the Olympics I kept hearing some phrases that I didn't understand. Like "sow cow" for instance. I never saw any sow cows at the Olympics, even in the stands. There were a few of them there tonight. They weren't very graceful either; I don't know why they award points for that in competition. As for "triple axels" I did see one set of three axels-it was on the Zamboni.

I don't get this skating thing.


Blogger Lana said...

Nah, you all weren't too terribly terrifying! ;-) But the ice sure got "choppy" for as few people as there were at the rink. I am glad you all could make it, I know I had fun! :-)

11:35 PM  
Blogger mommmydeb said...

Is that, "Terror ON Ice" when you're vertical or horizontal, splayed on the ice wondering who is the EMS on duty in that area?

5:17 PM  

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