Wednesday, June 07, 2006

It's a zoo in there!

Saturday Sarah and I enjoyed a rare day off together. We have been wanting to visit the Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia so we headed down that way; we have a zoo here in Greenville but it is pretty pitiful at this point. So after getting up really late we headed out around 10:00. Everything went well until about 30 miles from Columbia, then it all came loose. The traffic came to a stop and the thunderclouds started rolling in. It was a mess. The last 30 miles took us 90 minutes.

We were very surprised that when we got to the Zoo it hadn't even rained there and the sun was out. The zoo was actually very nice. It wasn't on the level on the DC zoo but it was much better than Greenville. We were able to see a bird show and a sea lion show, and we also saw them feeding the fish in the aquarium and feeding the penguins. They had a fairly large variety of animals, especially the reptiles.

Twins-separated at birth.

These two are definately related.

Who do you think these remind me of?

Hey, look who I found!

Sarah and I had a blast at the zoo. We didn't see a drop of rain while we were there.

When we got back home we had another surprise birthday party to go to for our assistant pastor. We had a great time (and this one was a successful surprise too) eating ice cream and shooting hoops and talking. It was a very enjoyable Saturday.


Blogger mommmydeb said...

Hmmm, I'm not sure but the legs on that ostrich remind me more of Annie's long skinny legs with knobby knees than Lianna's.
Where's Mel?

11:21 PM  

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