Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Vets and such

Our visit to the vet was more or less uneventful for me. It was a typical vet office with about six exam rooms, two vets, receptionists, and vet techs. And of course, they had the token three-legged cat. I think all vet offices have a three-legged cat. Which brings up some questions for me. Why does a kind, gentle veterinarian take an injured cat, nurse it back to health and then keep it in a office where it can be mauled daily by sick dogs? Also, aren't you glad that human doctors don't have the same practice? "Oh, that's Bill, he was crossing the road and got hit by a car. We took out his spleen and most of his colon, now he hangs around here a lot. Careful, he bites."

Carina was very excited to see other dogs, some cats, and two rats (I think the owners called them "yorkies"). There was the minor inconvenience of being violated in ways that only humans can conceive of. She handled the shots very well and the oral medicine was fine. The thermometer on the other hand . . .

Also, we didn't see Dr. Furr as intended. We saw Dr. Cooley instead. While her name didn't quite have the ring to it that Dr. Furr's name does, she seemed like a pretty good vet.

Thursday I will take Carina to visit the family (and dogs) that she will be staying with while we are in Italy. I don't foresee any problems as Carina gets along very well with all the animals she meets, even Annie.


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