Monday, March 13, 2006

My New Career

I woke up this morning with the window open above my head and the sun shining in, listening to the birds singing their songs. It was so tranquil and serene (the tranquility and serenity were aided by the fact that I have today off).

The rest of the day - not so serene. After breakfast and a lot of procrastination, and then lunch, I started mudding the drywall in the laundry room. Of all the household tasks, this ranks right down there with . . . well I can't think of anything right off. It only took me two hours to do; I would have been done sooner but I had to remove the exterior door in order to get the corner right next to the door.

No, drywalling is not my new career. I'm getting to that.

I am now fully trained to participate in rodeos and am giving serious thought to a career change in that direction. Being a paramedic is great and all, but the rodeo life is obviously for me. My specialty will be the "tie-down roping" event in which the cowboy ropes a calf by its back feet, dismounts in stride, tosses the calf on its side (called flanking- I learned that on the internet today) and ties all of its feet together. Sounds hard, huh? Not for me.

I gave Carina a bath today. Her name means "adorable" in Italian but the last few days she only fulfilled that when viewed from a distance. Once she got into smelling range she needed to be called "puzzolosa" (which means stinky in Italian) . Bathing her has gotten a little more difficult now that she has doubled her weight in the last 4 weeks and now weighs over 40 pounds. The bath itself wasn't the biggest problem though.

Once she got out of the tub and shook all over the bathroom several times, I proceeded to clean out her ears. She didn't like that. This required flipping her feet out from under her and pinning her to the ground while she kicked and wiggled. Apparently bathing a dog and drying them off causes them to "sweat" out some kind of oily lubricant that makes them impossible to hold (I hadn't heard of this biological phenomenon before, but I will have to research it). On top of that, the floor was soaking wet and I felt like I was on a Slip and Slide. The hardest part is that with all those factors, I have to clean her ears gently with the Q-tip, otherwise risking damaging her fragile ear drums. This was on the same difficulty level as painting the Mona Lisa on a live fish.

Well, it is done now. She is clean, her ears are clean and I am ready for the rodeo. No calf could be nearly as wiry as that little puppy. No calf could handle me now.

Sarah and I are going out to Olive Garden tonight so I need to get ready. Y'all northerners click on the weather link on my blog and weep.


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